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About us

The Lord is preparing a glorious bride from the Middle East, holy and blameless. This bride will lay down her life for her Master, shine brightly in the darkest places, dance amidst injustice, and overcome Satan through the blood of the Lamb and her testimony, remaining steadfast in faith even in the face of death.​

Family Picture

Our Story in few lines

My wife, Selwa, and I, along with our children, were born in Baghdad, Iraq, and raised in a Catholic tradition. We each accepted Jesus as our Savior during childhood. During Saddam’s regime, we served in an underground church, enduring persecution but continuing to minister to youth, college students, and within Catholic churches. After the 2003 war, with newfound freedom, we established our Assemblies of God Church, beginning a new chapter of ministry to share Christ’s love with our people. In 2013, God led our family to the United States, where we settled in Kansas City, Missouri. Our time at the International House of Prayer was a season of preparation, revealing our calling to minister to the Iraqi and Arab communities. In 2017, we moved to Southern California, where we faced significant challenges but grew in faith as we served the Arab and Chaldean communities through an evangelistic prayer ministry. Over six years, we witnessed spiritual breakthroughs, healing, and restoration in those we served. In September 2023, God called us back to Kansas City, Missouri, as we continue to trust His leading and remain committed to His mission, even when the path ahead is unclear. Through every season, His faithfulness has sustained us.

Our Vision

God has called us to serve the Iraqi and Arabic-speaking communities with knowledge and truth, that they might come to the fullness of Christ. Our love for our people has compelled us to take the love and truth of Jesus Christ to them.

Our mission

  1. Translating Christian Teaching Materials:
    Involving in translating Christian teaching resources, ensuring key materials such as Bible studies, and theological content are accessible in Arabic language. This work helps make Christian teachings more available to a wider audience, both through written translations and digital formats like recorded videos and Audio tracks.

  2. Leading Online Bible Studies and discipleship:
    Organizing and leading online Bible studies, creating opportunities for individuals from different backgrounds and regions to engage with Scripture. These sessions aim to deepen participants’ faith, encourage spiritual growth, and facilitate fellowship.

  3. Annual Ministry Trips to Iraq to:

    • Engage in Christian Events: engaging in conferences, church services, and outreach programs, providing spiritual encouragement

    • Prayer Gatherings: participating with local ministries and believers in North of Iraq in prayer events to pray for the nation, the Iraqi Churches, pastors and leaders and the community.

    • Participate in Street Evangelism: engaging in sharing the Gospel in Baghdad and northern Iraq in public spaces, reaching out to individuals who may not have heard the gospel or received a prayer in their whole life.

  4. Ministry Trips to Arabic Communities in the United States:
    These trips focus on:

    • Providing Spiritual Support: Offering encouragement, prayer, and pastoral care to individuals and families in our communities, helping them strengthen their faith in challenging environments.

    • Building Ministry Networks: we work to foster connections between local churches, ministry leaders, and organizations, helping to create supportive networks that can collaborate on outreach and discipleship efforts.

    • Local Small Group Ministries: participate and facilitate fellowship gathering among Arabic-speaking believers.

Statement of Faith

- We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible, authoritative Word of God. - We believe there is only one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. - We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His present rule as Head of the Church, and His personal return in power and glory. - We believe all mankind has sinned and therefore is alienated from God and under His judgment and wrath and that the only hope for mankind’s redemption is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Salvation for lost man is found only in Christ and is appropriated by faith alone in Christ and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. - We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose indwelling enables the Christian to live a Godly life, empowering the Christian to be of service to Christ in His Church and in the world. - We believe that born in the Spirit, believers in Christ, no matter what kindred, tongue or tribe are unified in spirit and make up the Church, the Body of Christ. - We believe in the resurrection of the dead; the saved unto life everlasting and the lost unto final judgment.

Running this race together

Our family is committed to bringing the Iraqis and Arabs into the light of the gospel. We want to continue to be used by Him tirelessly and effectively. Therefore, we are building a team of people who will co-labor with us in prayer and financial giving as we continue in this full-time mission work. We are encouraged by the individuals who have decided to partner with us, and we want to invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner in advancing the Kingdom of God among the Iraqis and Arabs.

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